Replicate: Searching phone numbers from mysql database
Phone number stored in database doesn’t have a proper format.
Example: +977 9841823283992, (61) — (4) — 3432432, 81 2 3882 3232
Now, if you’re trying to do a search for phone numbers, just using
SELECT * FROM table WHERE phone LIKE '%some_number%'
This won’t be able to find number because the spaces, +, -, () won’t be escaped.
What worked for me:
//Remove all non-numeric characters.
$phoneNumber = preg_replace('/\D/', '', $phoneNumber);//Execute Replace function into correspondent column
SELECT * FROM table WHERE replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(phone , ' ', ''), '+', ''), '-', ''), '(', ''), ')', '') LIKE '%$phoneNumber%'
How it works:
Basically with the above SQL query, we are simply removing all the non numeric characters (+, -, (, )) that could be used in a phone number field by replacing them with a non space. For example if you’re searching for all the numbers that has 8210, the above query will even search for +918 210 12332, (82)-(104)-(1233), 1800 821 0099 etc.|
This is a post just to save my time, if I need it again.