[Alert] Malaysia Fraudster


His phone number: +60 13 883–0009 [Alzhariff Alvee]

That guy/girl has contracted me to develop https://swizzy.io and https://teamclick.io, after my job they didn't pay me and blocked me in all services Telegram/Whatsapp/Email.

Emails used by this guy:








https://volsargroup.com/ emails @volsargroup.com

I receive contact from another "malaysiam" 1981jholow@gmail.com
"Low T. Jho" be alert.

"Dear Flávio Ferreira,

Thank you for your urgent response. I so much appreciate your interest to partner and invest with me.

Before we proceed in this investment partnership, I would like to use this opportunity to let you know my present situation. I am currently on the watch list of authorities of Malaysia, Singapore, Some EU Countries, and the US in connection with the 1MDB scandal.

Based on my present situation, all our correspondence is strictly confidential between me and you and it requires urgency because those authorities have already frozen some of my accounts.

The exact amount I would like to invest is Fifty Two Million, Five Hundred Thousand U.S Dollars ($52,500,000 USD) and I can increase it if there is a need for it. If agreed, I am willing to let you proceed and manage every aspect of our partnership until I clear myself on the above 1MDB scandal and join completely.

Kindly let me know your thoughts on how to proceed with my offer, then I will consult my attorney to prepare our agreement and initiate discussion on how to move the funds.

Thank you so much for your precious time, understanding and cooperation.

I look forward to receiving your response.


Yours Sincerely,
Low Taek Jho"



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